Reliable safety for two.
A tandem jump not only requires the special skills of the tandem master but also a important sense of responsibility for the passenger. We help ensure that the fun part for the passenger does not end with a fatal experience. We have developed a special AAD for your tandem jump that lets you benefit from our reliable safety and quality even with a passenger on board: the Tandem CYPRES 2.
You can easily identify it by the siginificant blue button and the Tandem imprint.
The Tandem CYPRES 2 has a default activation altitude of 1,900 feet (580 meters) to provide maximum safety.
Standard Settings:
Activation speed: approx. >78 mph (35 m/s)
Activation altitude: approx. 1,900 feet (580 meters)
Please contact us at info@360SkyPro.com for delivery time.